Along with throngs of villagers, the local media also showed up for the event. This was the news of the year! Both the radio and television stations were there and they each interviewed me, Ezequiel (the MI representative), and local leaders of the congregation about the happenings. This was a story that resonated with everyone in the community and it was news to tell. For three days, the radio station broadcasted the story of safe water and we even heard word from our friends down in Maputo (the capitol city in the south of the country) that the story was being aired there as well.
Friends, this is the Good News! The hungry are fed, the thirsty are given water. And we are lifting up our voices to proclaim this to all people from Cassville Missouri to Nanjua Mozambique, in order to demonstrate the love of God in tangible ways. Even the media in Mozambique are eager to tell.
Get yourself up on a high mountain.
O Zion, bearer of good news.
Lift up your voice mightily
O Jerusalem, bearer of good news;
Lift it up, do not fear.
-Isaiah 40:9
