The Bishop of the United Methodist Conference of Mozambique took us to lunch today as a farewell celebration. She is kind, intelligent, and thoughtful, and she had many interesting things to share about the culture of Mozambique and the work being done here. The opportunity to work with a woman of this caliber is inspiring and I am honored to know that on this journey, we began a friendship that will bear much fruit.

We were lucky enough tonight to have electricity and a strong internet connection, which means that we were able to check in with friends and loved ones. Both Carol and I were able to skype with our respective spouses...at the same time. This is what us missionaries call a "double date" (see romantic screen shot). Though we were slightly slap happy from exhaustion, it was nice to touch base with home.
Thank you friends for all of your continued prayers, good vibes, and support during our journey. It truly means the world to us. Hopefully I will be able to post updates from the north, as internet connections allow.
i don't even know what to say about that screenshot.....at least i brushed my teeth?